When asked, I usually say that Paris, France is my favourite city in the world. Maybe that is because my only trip there was a well-planned three-day weekend with my sweetie. The kids were small and got to spend time with their grandparents in Ireland while we whisked away for an adventure. Since this was in 2003, and during my printed photograph and scrapbook phase, the images in the post are scanned from a scrapbook.Â

It’s the end of the world, and Christ sits on the throne of judgement (just under the arch, holding his hands up). Below him, an angel and a demon weigh souls in the balance. The good people stand to the left, looking up to heaven. The naughty ones to the right are chained up and led off to….

This church has always stood for the grace and compassion of Mary, the mother of Jesus. They broke ground in 1163 and it took 200 years to build.

Our Lady can be seen cradling Jesus at the heart of the facade. She is surrounded by the halo of the rose window.
Above the arches are 28 statues known as the Kings of Judah.

This magnificent church could hold up to 10,000 faithful. The rose shaped window is the only one of the three with its original medieval glass.
When Christianity began making converts in Roman Paris, the Bishop of Paris was beheaded. But these early Christians were hard to keep down. St. Denis got up, tucked his head under his arm, headed north, paused at a fountain to wash it off, and continued until he found just the right place to meet his maker.
The Parisians were convinced of this miracle, Christianity gained ground, and a church soon replaced the pagan temple. (Look left of the door, find the statue with his head in his hands).
Streets of Paris

Shakespeare & Co. was one of the few bookstores with English only books. It seemed more of a library than a bookstore except upstairs there were cots tucked into corners everywhere. Apparently, these were for struggling writers to use as were the small desks. (and can I just say, what the heck is with my hair?!? )
Arc de Triumphe

The Arc de Triumphe is huge (see the tiny people at the top?) This staircase is 284 staggering steps and we sure did ‘feel the burn’ by the time we got to the top.

The “etoile” describes the streets leading out from the Arc de Triumphe in all directions to make the shape of a star or sunburst.