Marnie’s Travel Adventures

As travelers go, I’m more of a planner than spontaneous. I like to know where I’m staying and what I’ll be doing. Sure I’m up for new experiences and happy to try things but I would not call myself adventurous. I sure do want to see this world, though, and I guess that’s an adventure in itself. So the challenge for me is to see how many pins I can put on the map saying ‘been there’. There are a few places that are apocolyst places like New Zealand and Mount Kilimanjaro and Scandinavia. And there are also places that don’t interest me. This blog is to share where I’ve been. Where do you want to go?

New Zealand 2020

New Zealand 2020

New Zealand 2020Nearly twenty years of dreaming it. Close to three years saving for it. Over 2 years planning the route and the details. Finally, the day arrived. We were going to New Zealand! It surpassed my imagination and that is no small feat. There were moments...

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East Coast Road Trip

East Coast Road Trip

Sun Sets on Our Holiday It's hard to believe this amazing adventure has come to an end. We've seen so much on this trip as we clicked over 5000 kilometres through 5 provinces. I'm in awe at the stunning beauty that surrounded us each and every day. I'm thankful for...

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Canadian Rockies

Canadian Rockies

Canadian Rockies 2016 We wanted to mark the milestone of our 20th wedding anniversary by visiting somewhere we had never been before. Since Jon and I both love mountains, nature and scenery, the attraction of the Rocky Mountains was powerful. Our brief visit had us...

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Rome, Italy 2012

Rome, Italy 2012

There is something magical about the deep, rich history that permeates Rome. At every turn there is a juxtaposition of the ancient with the modern and I cannot help but do a double take. In 2012, I was fortunate to go with my mom on an Italian guided tour...

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Lake Placid

Lake Placid

Lake Placid and Americade One of the thrills of taking a motorcycle trip is the freedom and fun we can have together. There are a couple of criteria that we weave into each trip: 1) the scenery has to be great and 2) the roads have to be 'interesting'. Lake Placid, NY...

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Paris, France 2003

Paris, France 2003

When asked, I usually say that Paris, France is my favourite city in the world. Maybe that is because my only trip there was a well-planned three-day weekend with my sweetie. The kids were small and got to spend time with their grandparents in Ireland while we whisked...

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